Friday 9 November 2012

Cake Pops & Cake Pops & Cake Pops & Cake Pops.

Not usually being one to follow fashion trends, I barely follow food trends, either. However, back in February, whilst looking for a cute present idea for a friend, I came across cake pops a.k.a a lollipop of cake. Literally. I was straight onto this, spending a lot of time Googling to find the perfect recipe. Unfortunately, the process of making them took a very long time- the cakes had to be cooked, rolled, frozen, covered, frozen, etc! By the end of it they weren't very circular and could even be classed as a failure (even though they still tasted uhhhhmazing).

Fast foward six months and I happen to stumble upon this little beauty while looking for a present for another friend. I immediately told the friend I initially made cake pops with. The conversation went something like this:
The excitement was clearly unreal. 

Flash another month forward when the above friend and I took an impromptu trip to a shopping centre to buy food and happened to wander past Argos. One catalog check later and we were holding the cake pop maker.

So initially, it looks like a terrifying heat trap of burning death, as the inside is completely black. Yet you feel completely intrigued. Saving you the details, we made a standard cake mix, added food colouring for added pzazz and threw 12 into the maker. I present you with...

The magical pile of already made cake pops!
The blue ones are blue food colouring, not green as everyone thought. ( :( ). The maker comes with a cooling rack which is handy for when the pops come out of the maker (which takes literally five minutes... amazing!) and is also good for putting sticks into the pops. I found one little cake pop which resembled a cupcake and decided I loved it... the results weren't too cupcakey. 

Don't laugh... the red splodge is a cherry made of icing.
All in all, I love the invention of the cake pop maker and it makes making cake pops so much easier. We got the one we used from Argos, as pictured:
(click link to go to product)

Until next time, have fun making and eating cake pops!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

I love your face... too?

Right now, my life is a jumble of essays and personal statements. It's hectic to say the least. There's barely any time to breathe. However a crisis occurred bang in the middle of a busy week of college work... the worst thing imaginable... my laptop... broke.

Internet was gone, work was unsaved, sanity was dwindling and fast. 

One new laptop later and I'm back in business, with a CTRL key that works, finally. So I'm back to my blog with a shiny new outlook (no, seriously, my laptop is white and is literally shiny).

Nothing substantial has happened in the last week if I am honest, wrote a few essays, ate Nandos and generally had a week off from college. One thing that made me smile, however is my friend Lucy made the cutest new youtube video which also involved me recieving a text at midnight on Monday simply saying 
"Just wanted to let you know I love yo face... That's all. K?xoxox"
Not only did I feel flattered, I was confused, to say the least. As it turns out, she had a maniacal plan all along to make her friends feel loved by sending them a kind text for them to wake up to. I sort of ruined that by replying at 11:57pm. Sorry Lucy. 

Watch her incredibly kind and sweet video here:

So aside from all the love, another major November event (no, silly, not Movember!) is NaNoWriMo, which stupid me unfortunately missed *sadface*. I'm not sure starting 6 days too late would allow me to finish in time, which is a huge shame, as I have always wanted to do it. I'm looking forward to all of the happy tweets from people who have managed to finish in time, though!

Until next time, auf weidersehn! 

Sunday 14 October 2012

Super Sunday: Things That Amuse Me.

Ciao Bellas, I have been missing for a while, apologies, I have horrifying amounts of college work to do and a personal statement to write! So, to that end, I thought what better way to take a break than to blog on my blog... anyway.

To make myself blog more, I decided to make a series by the name of "Super Sunday" (no points for originality here then) where I will share things that I have found interesting or thought provoking in the last week. The first instalment shall be known as "Things that amuse me" where I will share, yno.. things... that amuse me. Anyhooo...

1. The first amusing things this week is Am I Beyonce Yet?, in which an anonymous blogger posts regular updates as to whether they have morphed into BeyoncĂ© Knowles yet... So far, they've been unsuccessful. 
I must admit, this gave me a little giggle the first time I stumbled across it and I regularly visit when I am in need of cheering up. It never fails, trust me.

2. I was listlessly trawling Facebook, as you do and came across this image of a mystery laser dog (below). Now while this dog is pretty amusing in itself, the astounding thing is, it looks EXACTLY like my dog (as seen here, here and here). What's even weirder is they're the same colour, have the same features and even the same ginormous ears! Yet in the 4 years we have had our dog, nobody at all can place him, they can't tell what sort of breed he is or what he may be crossed with! If anyone knows please leave a comment. :)

3. Thirdly, Sorted Food and Daily Grace have kept me endlessly amused for the last week with their hilarity and daily videos (well, until Sorted decided to go back to two videos a week :(). Sorted with their humour and their amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing cooking have managed to keep a smile on my tired face, while Grace's randomness and halloween tips have made me realise just how sane I am! I highly reccomend them both.

That's it for this week as I have to get back to my awful personal statement now, so until next time, have a great week :)

Tuesday 31 July 2012

The Fault in Our Stars Review!

So if you know me in real life, you may have heard me say something along the lines of "Augustus feels" or make the noise equivalent of "nyaaaaaagh" when describing my love for this book. Because truth be told, I cannot put how I feel about into words. The book is, of course The Fault in Our Stars, or TFiOS (Tih-fee-ose

 So first things first: John Green. The man is literally a genius (that is a misuse of literality- read it to understand). But in all seriousness, I idolise him for everything. For every book he has written, for every tumblr post. I have read all of his solo novel fiction, the only missing one being Will Greyson, Will Greyson, in which he collaborated with David Levithan (Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist), although that will be amongst my next literary purchases. John is part of Youtube dynamo brother/brother team The Vlogbrothers. He has taught me so much, not only about English and writing, but about life, and all the little things, amongst other titbits of information, such as copious anagrams from An Abundance of Katherines (or should that be 'Knob nauseate an arch-fiend'). So for that, I thank him eternally.

Now onto the actual novel. Without spoilers, I thought it was so sad that I cried immensely at both readings yet I never cry at anything fictional - props to Mr. Green. Despite the tears, it remains my favourite novel of all time thus far. In actuality, finishing the book in three days the first time and two the second means I have only spent 5 days with this novel, yet it has had a lasting effect on me. I have also recommended it to a lot of people, all of which have had the same response as me - tears, followed by endless praise. So what makes it a truly great novel? The characters are ridiculously relatable, or so I think. I adore how both Hazel and Augustus are smart as teens, yet still make errors which don't seem to matter because they are teens and teens do get things wrong because that is how they learn. Being the same age as the main characters gives me a real insight into how they feel which gave me a deeper understanding of the novel, helping me really connect with it. However on a completely different level of the book, they both have cancer which throws a spanner into the works of the everyday teen connection. Yet, although cancer is technically the primary premise of the plot, Green doesn't allow it to completely take over the story which is why so many people young and older feel as though they can completely connect with the story. The cancer storyline is not dealt with in the typical sympathetic way, either. It is told just like it is - harsh and unfair. I think the way that it doesn't hide the brutal details gives some of the maturity to the reader as they aren't reading a watered down version that hides them from the truth. I admire this about the book, that Green wasn't afraid to explore the nastier side of disease, whilst also writing a story about normal teenage life and love. In addition to this, John Green, a man, wrote the story from the perspective of Hazel Grace Lancaster, a girl. There have been many inquisitive glances exchanged over this detail, followed by their doubts that he could manage to make a character that real teenage girls can relate to. Well he did it. He did it better than I probably could and I have lived the life of a teenage girl. There was probably no need for doubt, at all. Then again, he has managed to brilliantly write from the teenage boy perspective, shown in the rest of his novels, most notably Looking For Alaska, which just made the Bestseller List, 7 years after it's release! (4 for you John Green, you go John Green).

While there is a lot of attention focussed on Hazel and Augustus, one of the best characters is often overlooked. This character is Isaac. His role is so brilliant, especially towards the end. I adore how he, as a boy is not afraid to show his emotions toward Augustus and still manages to be collected and humourous, even in times of sheer heartache. Lets all praise Isaac!

Overall, I adore this book so much its not even real. I just cannot thank John enough for writing such an inspiring piece of fiction. 

5/5 stars.

Saturday 7 July 2012

A Cartilage Piercing... Without The Pain?

Hola! So today I finally made the purchase I've been dying to make for a while now... I give yooooooooooooou:

 I got this baby in River Island for a bargain price of £4- not even in the sale! I've been wanting to buy one for a long time now, but I've never found the right one, until today. The chain is a tad too long, but I'm too in love with it!
Without flash

On my ear, displaying the length of the chain.

It is a wing, which gives slight limitation as to which ear you can wear it in, as it faces one way, like a real wing, but despite this, I really love it. I also faced some initial confusion with trying to get the cuff onto my ear, as the gap was too small, but my ear too big. After some fumbling, I realised it had to be slid on from the top! *doh*
After purchasing this one, I definitely would consider buying another, maybe one without the earring attachment, one like this:
(Photo credit: here)

So all in all, I give ear cuffs a 5/5 for looks and wear and specifically to the one I own, for comfort also, as there is no tight feeling or annoyance. :)

Monday 25 June 2012

First post!

My name is Olivia, and this is my face! This is my first post on a brand new blog. Since around 2009, when I started reading blogs, I have wanted to start one of my own, yet have never been motivated enough to do so. Now, I have finally decided to start, to improve my writing skills and experience for university.

So here I am, blogging about the only things I really know about, books and makeup!

Please comment and follow! :)